Societal inhumane

School is due to start in 2 weeks.

Blake still doesn’t have a suitable placement.

Schooling for some is not a huge issue. Throw in a child with complex needs and it’s like asking for Jesus to turn water into wine.

Our children are numbers, within this educational system. They are not valued as humans, they are not ranked fairly by what they can offer society, they are ranked by how much information can the retain from what our “national” curriculum teaches.

What a crock of shite that is.

At 25 I can say the things I took from school were minimal. Whilst educationally I have done well, I took more societarian teachings from school. I never fitted into a square box, I’ve always been a octagon! As far as I’m aware I carry no additional needs. I’m strange but I have no complex learning needs etc. If I as a fairly normal person cannot fit into a square box how do they expect those with such complexities to. Why does a child whom experiences the world differently have to adapt. Why cannot we as a society and educational provider adapt us for them.

It’s like me taking my lard arse into a market, full of the one size fits all clothing range. Trying to squeeze my shewhale into those trousers which are not even going to go past mid calf. Sometimes people just don’t fit and that is ok.

We need to become accustomed to the notion that we experience life entirely different. That we don’t all carry the same beliefs, interests. It’s not such a difficult concept to grasp surely.

We bully and belittle those who are different. And why? For our own gratifications. A totalitarian selfish societal fuck over.

If it continues ship me away. The masses will eat the masses.

Fuck. My children experience differently. Doesn’t make them any less. Doesn’t make them unable to achieve. Doesn’t make them alien. It makes them human.

Life is in humane. Society is inhumane.

We nor anyone else should have to fight for societal equality like we have to.

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